Monday, August 15, 2011

The Way I See It - Teen Mom Edition

I have mentioned on my blog before that I watch the shows "16 And Pregnant" and "Teen Mom" and I love the rawness of the emotion coming from the teens as they struggle to be young and parents at the same time. I was also a teen mom and got pregnant at the age of 19. It was so hard to try to grow up and figure out who I was, all while trying to give life to a human being who depended on me 24-7. As I have watched the show, I realize that I am more and more like Amber Portwood, although you may all not see that. You see, alot of her anger and hurt issues, I have also dealt with - and also needed counseling. When I watched the episode where Leah is playing and she just walks out because the pressure is too much, that is exactly what happened to me. I remember wanting to enjoy my kids, but not being able to because the anger of the past mixed with the stress of the present didn't allow me to be the mom I had hoped to be. I cannot imagine feeling like that and having to deal with this -

Could you imagine having cameras following every little move you made? I sure can't. We all make mistakes and about 25% of teenagers today are becoming parents before their 21st birthday. We only see a small percentage of their life, yet Amber will always be known as the mom who hit her baby's father on national television.

I just wanted to encourage my readers to think about what this has probably done to their lives. We do not know what the future holds for Gary and Amber - and I do not know them personally, but I do catch myself reading the negative media or visiting TMT (a website dedicated to all the Teen Moms and everything they do!) and feeling sorry for them, especially Amber. The media will never give her a chance to be a positive role model for her daughter. Even if she does completely change in rehab, her and Gary get married and live happily ever after, and they ride off into the sunset - she will always be seen in a negative light. And for those of you that say she made the decision to be on the show - think about how many stupid decisions you made when you were SIXTEEN years old. She was just a baby herself! I'm sure she nor her family had any idea that this would become a crazy teen sensation!

If you take nothing else from this blog post today, please just look at this face and see the hurt she is experiencing. She has been through more before the age of 21 than most of us go through our whole lives. The majority of us will never have our fifteen minutes of fame - and we should be happy about that because we have seen firsthand what the "popular media" can do to a person's life.

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