Thursday, July 28, 2011

FAQs About My Health

I have had a few people ask about my health or have misconceptions about what my medical condition consists of, so I thought I would give a brief moment to answer some questions and comments to help those asking to accurately understand. Hopefully, this will also help those of you who have some of these conditions or symptoms and are looking for advice.

  1. What have you been diagnosed with? I have unexplained uterine bleeding which causes me to have a period that last between 30 and 60 days and frequent spotting when doing labor as little as lifting the laundry. I have endometrial hyperplasia and endometriosis which are both very serious female complications. I got this information from the WebMD website - Endometriosis is an often painful disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus — the endometrium — grows outside your uterus. Endometriosis most commonly involves your ovaries, bowel or the tissue lining. Endometrial hyperplasia is a condition of excessive proliferation of the cells of the endometrium, or inner lining of the uterus. I have also been diagnosed with low iron due to bleeding, a protruding bladder, and infertility.

  2. Do you have cancer? Hyperplasia is the last step before cancer and I do have cancer cells also, however, as of now, I do not have full blown cancer. When I first saw a doctor, he did not explain to me the difference between cancer and cancer cells, so I assumed the worst. We had testing done to make sure that I did not have widespread cancer before we chose to start TTC. I think some people misinterpreted what I said when I told them I had a stage five pap smear. Stage five cancer and stage five pap smears are totally different, although both are very serious. My stage five pap smear means that I have a great chance of having full blown cancer if I do not take treatment soon.

  3. What are your symptoms from all of these conditions and complications? pelvic pain, fatigue, backache, headache, nausea, vomiting, infertility, mid-cycle bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse, extreme swelling, pain during urination and/or bowel movements, tissue scarring, and a high miscarriage rate.

  4. Why have you not had surgery? I have chosen not to have surgery because 95% of them lead to infertility. Our first priority at the moment is to have a healthy, successful pregnancy, however, if at any point the doctor feels it is risking my life, I will do anything necessary to prevent a deterioration of my health. At this point, he understands that we are TTC and him along with the specialist support that decision and plan to keep a good eye on my health while we wait on our miracle!

  5. When did you start not feeling well? I have always had these problems in some way. I started my period very late and was constantly in pain. I had major issues with extreme bleeding in high school. I remember a day when my grandmother was a subsitute teacher and I had had bled so bad it went thru my underwear, my pants, and the seat I was sitting in. She had to come get me because I was so embarrassed. I was diagnosed with HPV at 18 and it caused alot of other problems. By the time I met DJ, I had already started medications to control the pain from the conditions, however, I had not been diagnosed with hyperplasia yet and clearly did not have infertility issues at that time. In the last two years, the symptoms have gotten very bad. I almost lost my life in 2010 after bleeding for 60 days and needing a blood transfusion. It was a miracle it stopped without having to have a full hysterectomy. I have had 4 miscarriages total, but none this late like the last one. I still have faith that I will have one more successful pregnancy before surgery, but anything is possible.

  6. What do you want people to know? I want people to be educated about just how common these issues are. The fact is that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage and infertility effects 30% of the female population. I also want moms to educate their daughters about the effects unprotected sex can have on their future and just how much having HPV can impact a life. I hope to be a guest speaker in the future to help teen girls understand how drastic these things can effect the rest of their life. I also want people to get their facts straight. I am not dying nor have I ever said I was dying. I have said before and I will say it again that if myself, my husband, or my doctors feel that I need further treatment or even to go to a treatment center, I will go. If I do get full blown cancer and need treatment, I will do it. If getting pregnant could cause me to lose my life, I will stop trying. I just want everyone to educate themselves about the condition, the symptoms, and the effects it has on my life both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Not only has this effected me but it has also effected my husband, my marriage as a whole, and my children who really want a brother or sister.

Thank you all very much for your kind words, comments, and questions and for always supporting me. If you know someone experiencing these signs or symptoms, please have them see a physician. And, as always, feel free to send anyone to the blog that you feel may benefit from the information I post. I love you all - Have a safe weekend :)

Ramblings From A Blessed Mom...

So, I will post the warning that I have posted before when things got lengthy here... but honestly, I am an emotional mess today so - THIS WILL BE A LONG, BORING FOR MOST, POST WITH ME RAMBLING ABOUT MY PROBLEMS. I am not the "perfect blog wife and mom" who only posts when her house is clean and her life is perfect. If you are looking for that, you might want to head over to Kelly's Korner! (I'm kidding, Kelly!!) I have been trying all day to just bite my tongue and be as polite and classy as possible, but I am at my breaking point. So, I decided to come here and post some randoms and my story - and also ask for advice if any of you have experienced this before. I am by no means trying to add fuel to the fire or start more drama for my family. I would love to see us all be at peace because this is no way to live. We have so many people being effected, mainly children, because people cannot come together and work problems out. I have faith that things will not always be this way and I hold tight to that today as I hold my tongue and keep what I really want to say to myself.

This is a picture of what my mantel looked like last fall. I am patiently waiting for my favorite season to come back around :) There is just something about fall that makes me soooo happy - I think it might be the combination of warm nights, cool days, hoodies, bonfires, and FOOTBALL! Not to mention, my favorite season for SHOPPING! But, I didn't post this picture for the mantel - I wanted everyone to see the word family. How much does this word mean to you? Well for some, it doesn't mean much. Family is just another word for more people you can belittle and abuse for some and for others, it means everything. My family means everything to me and I will do anything to protect them. I feel like a mama bear and her cubs. I consider my family to be - my grandparents, my dad, my husband, and my sons along with people that are not blood related and some cousins, neices, nephews, etc. I do not think that just because you are related, you are considered family - and that is where my rambling will start. I am in no way trying to hurt anyone or drag out the drama - I have just had enough. I have tried so hard to stay quiet and give it all to God, but when someone brings it up and will not let it go, it takes alot of control to just sit back and let them dig your name in the mud. When I lost my child, it changed my heart and soul! It changed me in ways that only God knew I could change. I don't take things so serious and I have found the bigger picture along the way, however, there is still that part of me who cannot stand for someone to gossip about me - when the statements they are making are not true! I am not saying that I am perfect and looking back, I am realizing that I did not handle myself with the class and dignity I know I truly have. I know that there were times I could have done more or said more - or showed a different emotion that just my normal "blah" I sometimes give. I realize that it takes a long time to get to know me and that some people see that as me being "snotty". I also realize that God expects us to respect our elders, however, I feel that he knows my heart and he knows the truth about where I am coming from and why I am so upset with the whole situation.

I have some family members that I have a very hard time getting along with and have for years. It has always been a battle to get along, but for the last six months it has gotten alot worse. I will not post too much here because I do respect my family and don't want to air out all of our laundry for the world to read, but I will say that I feel that they have disrespected myself, my husband, my children, and our loss in the worst way. It is mainly 1 or 2 members that I am having issues with and I have been close to these people in the past only to have it backfire on me by them using our conversations to accuse me of being mean or cruel. You cannot trust anyone in today's world and that is such a shame - but I hold tight to my beliefs and I do not feel that I have done them wrong as they have me and especially my children. We had a "blowout" after we lost our baby and not one single person called to check on us. Then, when I confronted them about it, they took to Facebook to slander the situation... the "situation" being our child's loss. I realized then that I just had to remove myself and my family from the situation altogether - but how do you do that and not have an explanation for your children. Since then, I have heard nothing but gossip, lies, and slander that are being told to our mutual friends and family. I cannot believe some of the things that they are claiming. They are telling children in our life that we said they were "bad kids" and they have even accused me of having jealousy issues over a baby! When I first heard this, I literally thought it was a joke. I don't find myself being jealous of people too often - it is just something I have never really had too much of. Anyone who knows me knows that I love babies! I don't understand how anyone could even think up a situation where I could be jealous of a baby - especially when my husband and I plan to have more children. It's not like i'm a grandmother and can't make some more of my own! Sheesh!! It would be one thing if the doctor told us we could not have children, but the doctor seems to think there is no reason we will not get pregnant again - so I have a husband, i'm only 27, we are financially stable, we have a home, and I plan to have more children... what is the reasoning behind the jealousy again? I clearly do not see how they could feel that way. This child was a suprise to the family, but a blessing none the less and I by no means felt like I was treating them different. All I know is that my children started being treated different and it was hurting them deeply. I had to deal with the aftermath of that along with the questions and concerns they have now - and it is hard for a mom to swallow someone hurting their babies. I do feel that there are some issues of jealousy from other people because they see just how blessed I am (I promise I am not bragging, just trying to make a point) and that is why they felt they had the one thing I wanted (a baby, especially a girl) and continually threw it in my face. For instance, they had not showed up to one single baseball game for the boys and then all of the sudden, they show up with the baby, put the baby right in front of me, it was like they were making sure my heart ached over my fertility struggles. They left after ten minutes of being there. To an outsider looking in, I think everyone would agree that they were not there for my children - so do not bother showing up at all in my humble opinion. I don't want to say anything else, I just really had to vent because it has bothered me so much - but I am counting my blessings tonight as I sit here with my children and my husband just text me and told me he is so "in love with me." That's a pretty good thing to hear after you have been married 8 years!

I encourage all my readers to pray for peace and comfort in our family - and pray for these people who are effecting the lives of young people. My children are not dealing well with this because they were close with these people and they are also involving other children in the drama and it is just heartbreaking. Please pray that they realize their ways and make changes so that we can continue to give our children the life they deserve.
I want our baby to look down from Heaven and be proud of how we have handled this situation because I know she is shining down on us - and I think she would be proud that I have not went crazy! (And it's true that I do not have a baby girl in my arms, but I do have one in Heaven waiting on me!!)

Speaking of children, the boys above still need help finding a forever home. I wish with all my heart that DJ and I could adopt them - and we did consider it or possibly twin girls we had contact with, but at the end of the day, we realize that DJ's job situation makes it unfair for us to bring more children into this that are older and would not understand. For someone to take in boys that are ages 9,6, and 4, they would need a father at home full time to teach them how to become young men - and DJ just does not have that kind of time right now. That makes us uneligible for any type of adoption at the moment so we went back to our original plan of trying to conceive naturally. We go back on August 4th to see if we are currently pregnant and then go from there - if we are pregnant, we will be considered high risk all nine months and I will spend the first and last 12 weeks on bedrest along with 2x a week doctor's visits and if we are not pregnant, we are still praying as to whether we should try one round of Clomid and Metformin or if we should try naturally for 6 more months. Either way, God is good. He has done so much more for us than we deserve and he has given us two beautiful boys that we both adore.

Landon Ace Jackson turned 5 on May 30th and will be starting Kindergarten in 2 weeks! I cannot believe my baby is no longer a baby!! It is going to be crazy in this house all week with no kids and just me! I welcome the peace though - ha! Okay, back to Ace, he is always looking to be the center of attention. His favorite thing to do is show people his wrestling moves. He wants to be a WWE Superstar when he grows up. He is a total mommy's boy and it melts my heart. He is our little trouble maker, but seems to get out of it with those long eyelashes and sweet words. He is alot different than his brother. He is the last one in bed at night and the first one up in the morning. He is a total snack and drink-aholic. This kid makes life exciting! I am so proud of the little man he has become. He just finished up his first season of t-ball and will be playing football this season. I look forward to watching him grow into the young man I know he will be. I am so honored to be his mommy. I hope someday he can read this and know just how much his mommy - and daddy - truly love him and his brother.

Colton Blaze Jackson is 7 1/2 years old and starting the second grade. I have no idea where my little boy went! He is very good academically and was on the honor roll all last year - (I meant to post that last month, bad mommy moment!) and even won the Good Citizenship Award and other awards in Math and Spelling. He ended up with a 99.6 average in Math which I find amusing since I excelled in school, but had a Math tutor all my life even in college. He must have gotten that from his father. He really wants to be in a band and loves to play the drums and sing with me. He is always in my room asking me to sing with him and he tells me I have a beautiful voice. He is the calmer of the two and he wears his heart for all to see. When we experienced our miscarriage, he cried for days. He got that from his mommy, poor thing! The most important thing about Blaze is what an amazing brother he is. He adores Ace and hangs on his every word. They have been attached at the hip this summer and those are the memories I will never forget. I can't imagine being jealous of anyone else when I have such a blessed life right here at home :) Blaze is also very attached to his "poppi" - that's my dad - and calls him almost every night. I love to see that my dad's life is now all about his grandkids.

I meant to post this last week but DJ asked me to go to lunch with him and on the way back, he pulled into Gigi's Boutique (If you are in the area, you must check it out. They are also on facebook at!) and bought me a charm for my Pandora bracelet he bought me for mother's day. This bracelet means so much to me mainly because right after he bought it I found out I was pregnant with baby number three, then lost her, then went through a really dark place and I have charms that stand for all of those moments. The charm he chose meant so much to me. After I lost the baby, I went to a store and they had this baby elephant figurine. It came with a paper that explained what elephants mean in Chinese and they mean good luck and good fortune. After that, I went elephant crazy as a sense of comfort. Everything I found of elephants, I bought. So, he chose an elephant charm for me - and everytime i'm wearing it, I look down and the charm just makes me smile.

There are no words to describe how much I love this man for who he is and what he does for our family. We found strength in each other to get through our bad times and now we are just looking forward to the good in the future :) He has been researching my medical condition along with different doctors. He never complains when I swell and don't feel well or when I just have a lazy day and don't clean. He cannot stand it when I am not happy - I think he would go to the ends of the earth to make me smile. He will skip a day on the golf course just to spend the day coloring with his kids. He spoils me - and tells me I deserve it. He has never told me "no" or belittled me for a decision I made. When we were briefly seperated, he still text me everyday to say "I love you" - and at that point in my life, I need to hear it. He works long hard hours every single day sometimes going weeks without a day off yet as soon as he gets home he says "how was your day?" He has learned to be sensitive and communicate - and that is a huge defeat because he comes from a long line of men who do not know how to show emotion or love. (I know alot of people say the same thing about their families, especially the older generation so i'm thankful he has gotten past that.) He is a man of God and has drawn closer to God since our tragic loss. He tells me i'm beautiful (or sexy) even when i'm a hot mess. He has never put pressure on me to be a certain shape or size. He has always supported my dreams and attempted in anyway possible to make sure they came true. He still makes my heart skip a get the picture, i'm in love with my husband still after all these years! :)

Again, I think i'm pretty blessed and don't have anyone to be jealous of...

I told you this post was random... would anyone like to have these for free? I had bought them for Ace's party and we decided just to take the kids to the movies so we ended up not needing them. I would love for them to find a home that isn't in my "junk room". If you would like to come pick them up, you can email me at or catch me on Facebook!

I have been working on room ideas this week and stumbled upon this beautiful room fit for a princess. Hopefully one day I will have a little princess to give a room like this. We have this beautiful room that used to be a formal dining that we have turned into a guest room and office and it would make the perfect little girl nursery. Of course, we would welcome another little boy as well and his room would be just as fabulous! I feel really blessed that we have a beautiful home and the financial freedom that most people do not have when they choose to have children. I am not saying that it has always been this considering we had Blaze as teenagers, but I wish we would have waited - although I think Blaze changed both of us for the better and helped us to get to where we are today. There are way too many young people out there still making these decisions today of having unprotected sex and ending up with "mistakes". I know that babies are a blessing from the Lord, but I also know that a baby deserves the best and you shouldn't have them until you are ready and with the person you are married to. This is just my opinion - and I wish that more people believed the same thing in today's society.

I am a part of an organization called HappySaks that helps The Boys and Girls Club of America give away backpacks and school supplies to children whose parents cannot afford to go back to school shopping. This is something that I feel very emotional about. I know that kids are bullied so much nowadays anyways and I think all kids should have the chance to have a new backpack and supplies to start off on the right foot. All types of research has been done about what a boost it gives kids' self esteem to have all the supplies they need to go back to school. We spent a few hours on Sunday filling backpacks to donate to our local schools. Last year we gave away 5 and this year I would love to give away 12, but so far we have filled 4 and plan to do at least 1 more on our finances alone. If you would like to help or donate, please contact me at the information I listed above on the previous post. You can do anything from a .15 pencil to donate $40 which will buy and fill one whole backpack and give a child a brighter future! The boys also picked out their backpacks and supplies and their daddy helped them to pack them and get them ready for school - in two weeks!

Are you all still awake? Still reading?? If so, you must really love me!

My dad bought these dog tags for my boys for Christmas and they haven't really worn them much, but they asked to wear them other day. One got stuck on my pocket book and I was in such a hurry that I didn't even bother with it. Needless to say, when I was having a panic attack over something very petty, guess what hit me in the face - literally - this dog tag. Does everyone see the bible verse on the back of the dog tag. That is called a slap in the face by God almighty himself. I read it and smiled - and maybe cried a little. I'm sure my kids thought I was crazy. It's just so amazing how God can use anything to get your attention.

So there was my long, useless ramble about all the little drama and the big bright future of my family - and little randoms in between. Writing it healed a little piece of my heart just for getting it out and the rest I did just to always have these little memories to come back to.

I still wake up in the morning and cannot believe this is my life. I never thought when I was younger that I would have such a blessed life - and it's not about all the material things I have either, it's about this beautiful life and family I have been given. It's about this wonderful marriage I am blessed to be a part of and how truly thankful I am to be Blaze and Ace's mommy. It is the thankfulness that we got good news from the doctor (post later) and that we have ALOT of new opportunities coming in the future (another post later). I think those are things to be jealous of, but jealousy is not something to boast or be proud of. Be happy for this moment for this moment is your life - and be thankful and give thanks to God for what he has given YOU, not anyone else! God bless all my readers and have a safe weekend! :) I will be back on the next post to talk about my medical condition and our future plans....

1 Corinthians 13:1-8
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; ...
Psalm 25:4-5
Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our New Additions! :)

Bentley Jo Jackson
Sadie May Jackson

A Day With Max And Miles

These are the little munchkins I babysit from time to time!
They love spending time with Blaze and Ace.

This is Miles. He is very curious. He spent most of the time trying to get into stuff that he wasn't supposed to!

And this is Max who has an active lifestyle! He spent most of the time playing hard!

Sweet Memories...

I haven't been feeling well today so I have spent most of the day in bed - thank goodness hubby is home today! I was attempting to post some more pictures today on this blog and I got sidetracked looking at my old blog. There were so many memories on there I had forgotten about. That is what is so great about blogging! My nursing graduation was on there along with the purchase of our first home... then there was Blaze's first football game and Ace starting preschool. All of those were memories I got to go back to thanks to my old blog- so it makes me really happy that I am blogging more and more! Anyway, if you would like to see what life was like for the Jacksons in 2009, visit my old blog over at!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Show Us Your Life: Share Marriage Advice

I am jumping over from today for her friday "show us your life" posts. Today is share your marriage advice! I believe I have posted a few times on this topic and let me start by saying - my marriage is nowhere near perfect. We have been through the good, the bad, and the ugly. I just want to share what I have learned after being married 8 years.

The most important part about being married is to be best friends FIRST. That is just my personal opinion. I know some of you may disagree, but this works well in my own relationship with my husband. If I had to choose between being his wife or being his best friend, I always promised I would be his best friend for life. When you are someone's friend, you allow them to vent and express their feelings, you take them out shopping to make them feel better, you give them advice, you hang out, you laugh and smile and tell jokes... all things alot of couples forget to do.

Marriage is not easy. I just posted a quote today over on Facebook -

"Getting married is easy, staying married is the challenge."

In today's society, it is easy to give up and move on. It's easy to say "i'm not happy" and just go to the courthouse and get a divorce. Nobody seems to think about the lasting impression it is doing not only on society as a whole but also to the children in today's world. I encourage you to do the research BEFORE making a life long commitment. God's intention of marriage was for us to make a life long dedication of our lives to our husband. I still believe that woman was made from man and we are to be the helper. I take my wedding vows very seriously - and I find it offensive that some people do not have those same values. If people in today's society do not value marriage, then why do they get married in the first place? I know this post has become more about picking on society than advice, but it's the honest truth!

Since I spent so much time criticizing, I decided to make a list of the things I feel are important in a marriage. They are not in any particular order; just random thoughts from a blessed wife.

  • Always be your spouse's best friend. You will be suprised the difference this will make in your relationship. The best times I have had with DJ have been the times that we did something silly like friends would do. We tell each other everything too even if it's something the other person might not want to hear or listen to. I know that I can share anything with DJ and he will listen and respond like a friend more than like the leader of our family. He knows that I am my own person with my own thoughts and I try to be the best friend that I possibly can be.

  • Do not belittle your spouse in front of others. This includes things you write on the internet. I see so many people complaining about their marriage on Facebook and Twitter. Also, watch what you say to other family members or even mutual friends. I have discussed my marriage with other people and then that person belittled my marriage by telling someone else. Your marriage is sacred. Do not allow other people to come in and do not disrespect your spouse by talking bad about them to anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

  • Never assume they know how you feel. I am the world's worst about this. I will just assume that DJ knows I am angry or hurting. When something is wrong, tell your spouse in a calm voice and let them communicate back to you without getting upset at what they say.

  • Give 100% even if your spouse is not. DJ and I married as teens and we both had issues at some point in our marriage with just giving up and not giving it our all. It helps that one of us was always pushing us through.

  • Be the wife your husband needs you to be - and vice versa. Go back to what the bible says about being husband and wife and instill those values in your whole family. I always try to ask my husband what I can do to help him out. I remember Dr. Phil saying once that everyday you should look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do today to make your spouse's life better. I think more marriages would survive if more people gave this a try!

  • Be intimate even when you don't feel like it. You may be tired or cranky or had a hard day at work, but once you get into the moment, you will be glad you did it! If you do not take the time for sex, your marriage will suffer - it's scientifically proven. I'm sure alot of husbands will be happy to read that!

  • Be passionate about life outside of your marriage. Make sure that you are chasing your own dreams and making them come true. Do not let your happiness only come from your spouse. Also, make time for friends and life outside of being spouse or parent; it will help you be refreshed and have more of an ability to actually enjoy your family.

  • Make sure you are on the same page when it comes to parenting. Sit down before you have kids and make ground rules that are important to both of you. If you haven't done this yet and already have kids, you should really have a serious conversation about what you expect as far as parenting and discipline goes. Honestly, DJ and I fought for years over our differences in parenting, but we came together and decided what was best for our family - so now our kids know we are united in our feelings about what we expect from them and they know we are both on the same page so they cannot "get away" with more from one parent versus the other.

  • Lean on each other through tragedy and always avoid pushing your spouse away in times of sorrow and grief. Your spouse married you for a reason! They want to be there in good times and bad so give them that chance. You may be suprised just how comforting your spouse can be.

  • Try to fight fair and never go to bed angry. Actually listen to your spouse instead of thinking of what to say back when they are speaking. Also, remember that your kids may be in the house and they hear more than you think. I will never forget the first time that DJ and I were fighting and we realized that Ace was old enough to know what was going on. He came into our room, got between us, and said "please tell me you all are not being for real, you are just kidding right." It broke both of our hearts that our children were carrying our problems on their shoulders. Kids are learning about divorce at a very young age because most kids have divorced parents, step families, and blending... so you have to watch what you say. Make sure you apologize, hug, and kiss before you fall asleep at night. Imagine the burden it would place on your spouse if something were to happen to you in your sleep.

These are just a few of the many things I feel are important to make a long lasting marriage. I have read some really good advice over on Kelly's post so I encourage you to hop over there when you have finished reading mine! Hope all my readers have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


My name is Pride.

I am a cheater.

I cheat you of your God-given destiny… because you demand your own way.
I cheat you of contentment… because you “deserve better than this.”
I cheat you of knowledge…because you already know it all.

I cheat you of healing…because you are too full of me to forgive.

I cheat you of holiness…because you refuse to admit when you are wrong.

I cheat you of vision…because you’d rather look in the mirror than out a window.
I cheat you of genuine friendship… because nobody’s going to know the real you.

I cheat you of love… because real romance demands sacrifice.
I cheat you of greatness in heaven… because you refuse to wash another’s feet on earth.

I cheat you of God’s glory… because I convinced you to seek your own.

My name is Pride.

I am a cheater.

You like me because think I’m always looking out for you.

I’m looking to make a fool of you.

God has so much for you, I admit, but don’t worry…If you stick with me you’ll never know.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Confident Woman....

After the post I wrote yesterday, I know you all were expecting some crazy emotional post, but it won't happen today. I wanted to just throw in some randoms before the weekend - because I do have something planned for the blog. First of all, I heard Kim K. is getting married August 20th. I have to admit that I watch her show, but I see it as such a shame to what society has allowed marriages to become. She knows a guy for 3 months, gets engaged, and gets married all within ONE SEASON of a show - but what people do not see is that she is a rolemodel for our next generation of females who think that is what marriages and relationships have become. What happens when she decides it isn't what she wants? Well, she goes to a lawyer and gets a divorce and moves on - it has become simple as that. I am not a mother of a daughter, but I fear we are raising a bunch of future Kim K's :(
A confident woman is beautiful - inside and out. Just something random I thought I would throw out there. I am known for being somewhat random, but maybe not to my readers - yet. I loved these flowers and just wanted to share... and some of you needed to see them and realize that they can resemble whatever you wish. We had a loved one named Kerrie give us the news of her miscarriage today and it was that flood of emotion for me because I know what she is going through. It has been six weeks on Saturday - and it still feels like yesterday. When I saw these flowers, I thought of her and thought I would share. I hope she's reading this and realizes how much we truly do love her and pray for her comfort and healing.

This is my new favorite book. Since it's already July and you are supposed to start you know umm New Year's Day - I have been reading it as I can. It is AMAZING. I love how some of the words come alive off the page and speak to me - and I have even shared a few with the hubs! So what makes a confident woman?

I decided to share a random photo of the kids when they were smaller just because I see them growing up way too fast before my eyes. I will never forget this day in the picture above. It was the day that I found out my grandmother had multiple myeloma and was given 12-18 months to live. I put the gate up for the first time so the boys wouldn't see me cry - but instead they stood at the door and just did nothing but smile at me so I gave up and picked up the camera and took this picture. Today I look at the date - and the fact my grandmother is still alive 3 years later - and realize that this too shall pass... and yes, I realize that my grandmother is dying.. but I was just a young girl then still struggling with my own emotions and I wasn't ready to let go. I have had that conversation with my granny about life after she is gone and now is the right time - for the whole family. That sounds completely selfish, but there is your honesty. This is by no means a perfect blog!

It has been almost a year since my nana passed away. I still remember the last conversation we have and feel ashamed. I was calling to talk to my mom and nana picked up the phone instead. She asked about the kids and about me and never once did I ask how she was doing or feeling. Inside she was dying of heart failure and didn't even realize it - and she was asking about me. She died a week later and nobody even knew she was sick. How's that for humble pie? We really do need to take to heart that each day could be our last and that we should get all the hate and bitterness and resent and just let it all go. God wants so more for us than that. I will be taking that advice to heart this weekend as I go on a forgiving adventure and forgive someone who recently really deeply hurt me along with other members of my family.

Something I will not forgive is the two rotten, no good, horrible wasps that attacked my baby in our pool. The boys kept complaining that they were flying around, but it wasn't until these two bad stings that we really we had two huge nests under our pool deck and two more along our guest house exterior. Ace did a great job being a big boy - but he was glad to see daddy out there today killing the rest of them just to be safe!

And, as if one nasty insect was not enough, I got a tick bite over a week ago and thought that we got it all out - only realizing after picking at it that the head was still in. I ended up making Blaze help me get the rest of it out and it bled like nothing I had ever seen before. It was just dripping into the sink and nothing was stopping it - I literally went through four band-aids before it gave up and scabbed over. Boo for bugs!!

One more random thing before I go and that is - how amazing does this new fencing look?

It was a requirement for insurance purposes and I was way less than thrilled about having to put it on, but hubby and his friend Art did an AMAZING job and I think it looks alot better. I have a weird OCD phobia about above ground pools - I just think they are wayyy tacky in most cases. I am so sorry to all my above ground pool owners - but when we bought this house, I really loved the way the pool looked and now that the fencing is up, I can live with my beautiful, redneck above ground pool (I kid, I kid!)

Ace has something he would like to say now..... wweace :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Five Stages Of Grief

Before you start reading this blog, I am going to warn you this will be by far the longest blog post I have ever written - and probably the hardest. If you are a person who cannot feel different types of emotions, you might as well stop reading now. This blog took me eight hours to write and many, many tears along with a flood of emotion. If you have ever experienced any type of loss of any type of person you felt love for, you will hear my words and not only understand them, but also feel them too.

My intention from day one of deciding to share my loss was to help others - no other reason than that, but along the way it helped me heal in ways I thought I never would. This blog was written for me to go back to when I needed strength, but it is also here for you. For the girl who wrote me today and told me my blog helped her accept Jesus Christ or the woman who two weeks ago sent me an email telling me her decision to choose adoption over abortion was chosen because of the honesty in my blogposts. There is something big going on here through this blog - I am just a plain girl, no different than any of you - but God gave me something, a gift that has sometimes been a curse, with words - and here it is, my five stages of grief.

I hope you all can walk away from this with a little piece of strength knowing that we all got through this together.

Denial -
This first stage of grieving helps us to survive the loss. In this stage, the world becomes meaningless and overwhelming. Life makes no sense. We are in a state of shock and denial. We go numb. We wonder how we can go on, if we can go on, why we should go on. We try to find a way to simply get through each day. Denial and shock help us to cope and make survival possible. Denial helps us to pace our feelings of grief. There is a grace in denial. It is nature’s way of letting in only as much as we can handle.

I went through the denial stage three times during my loss. The first time was when I had started bleeding and had the maternal instinct something was wrong. The doctor's office kept sending me home and kept going right back. I knew that something was off, but I was in denial that it could end in the loss of a child. The second time was when I realized I was in labor. My dad was sitting right beside me and I could have told him I was having contractions, but I didn't. I decided instead to just pretend I wasn't hurting - pretending is the worst kind of denial of all. The third time I went through denial, I did it big time. Right after I realized the baby had passed away, I sat there and just said "no, no, no." The word made me feel a little at ease, but it didn't take away the fact that I was needing to realize YES, the baby was gone.

As you accept the reality of the loss and start to ask yourself questions, you are unknowingly beginning the healing process - but healing is such a calming word and the next phase is the total opposite of calm. It is real, raw, and honest - and it hurts - and nothing anyone says or does is going to help... or so you feel....

Anger -
Anger is a necessary stage of the healing process. Be willing to feel your anger, even though it may seem endless. The more you truly feel it, the more it will begin to dissipate and the more you will heal. There are many other emotions under the anger and you will get to them in time, but anger is the emotion we are most used to managing. The truth is that anger has no limits. It can extend not only to your friends, the doctors, your family, yourself and your loved one who died, but also to God. You may ask, “Where is God in this?

For me, God became EVIL. I almost wanted to love the devil just to prove to God how much I hated him. I remember saying "I hate God" and my husband just looked at me with a glare. What do you say to someone when they are so angry? And boy, was I angry! I got mad if the kids even looked at me wrong, I cussed out people at the checkout line, I told family members I never wanted to speak to them again. Instead of praying to God, I sat and told him everything he ever did wrong in my life. I told DJ that I wanted a divorce and that I never truly loved him. I made flat out lies just so I could be even more angry than I really was. Anger is empowering - it felt good to make people feel bad - because I was suffering and suffering is best when spread around. I knew all about the power of anger because I have spent my whole life using anger to my advantage. Most of the fights in my marriage have been because of my anger - but I will walk away feeling better while my husband is left feeling beat up and bitter - and that's why the anger phase was the longest one of all...

Underneath anger is pain, your pain. It is natural to feel deserted and abandoned, but we live in a society that fears anger. I am supposed to be the perfect, pretty, quiet stay at home mom with the perfect life, right? I mean women should never have anger as an emotion because it is so UGLY and heaven forbid we ever look ugly right? Anger is strength and it can be an anchor, giving temporary structure to the nothingness of loss. At first grief feels like being lost at sea: no connection to anything. Like I mentioned before - when you get angry at someone, maybe a person who didn’t attend the funeral, maybe a person who isn’t around, maybe a person who is different now that your loved one has died, you have the control. Suddenly you have a structure – - your anger toward them. The anger becomes a bridge over the open sea, a connection from you to them. It is something to hold onto; and a connection made from the strength of anger feels better than nothing.We usually know more about suppressing anger than feeling it. The anger is just another indication of the intensity of your love.

Bargaining -
Before a loss, it seems like you will do anything if only your loved one would be spared. “Please God, ” you bargain, “I will never be angry at my husband again if you’ll just let her live.” After a loss, bargaining may take the form of a temporary truce. “What if I devote the rest of my life to helping others. Then can I wake up and realize this has all been a bad dream?”

I remember when the doctor's office called and told me that my labs came back and they were not good. Even though DJ had taken the time off of work to be home with me, I wouldn't let him drive me to the doctor. It was the longest drive of my life - alone - pleading with God. I remember saying "I will do anything if you will just let her live." I drove down the road thinking of all the promises I could possibly make to God to make him understand just how much I loved this little human being inside my stomach. I spent two years trying and praying and hoping and wishing for this miracle - and I was willing to do anything to keep her. I spent the majority of my pregnancy in this stage - and even though my husband is not as vocal, I feel that he may have as well.

We become lost in a maze of “If only…” or “What if…” statements. We want life returned to what is was; we want our loved one restored. We want to go back in time: find the tumor sooner, recognize the illness more quickly, stop the accident from happening…if only, if only, if only. Guilt is often bargaining’s companion. I felt that if I would have gotten a second opinion or stayed in bed a little longer or asked for more medication, the baby would have been saved. I spent many days completely convinced that I could have done more, DJ could have done more, God could have done more, the doctor could have done more. The “if onlys” cause us to find fault in ourselves and what we “think” we could have done differently. We may even bargain with the pain. We will do anything not to feel the pain of this loss. We remain in the past, trying to negotiate our way out of the hurt. People often think of the stages as lasting weeks or months. They forget that the stages are responses to feelings that can last for minutes or hours as we flip in and out of one and then another. We do not enter and leave each individual stage in a linear fashion. We may feel one, then another and back again to the first one.

Depression -
After bargaining, our attention moves squarely into the present. Empty feelings present themselves, and grief enters our lives on a deeper level, deeper than we ever imagined. This depressive stage feels as though it will last forever. It’s important to understand that this depression is not a sign of mental illness. It is the appropriate response to a great loss. We withdraw from life, left in a fog of intense sadness, wondering, perhaps, if there is any point in going on alone? Why go on at all? Depression after a loss is too often seen as unnatural: a state to be fixed, something to snap out of. The first question to ask yourself is whether or not the situation you’re in is actually depressing. The loss of a loved one is a very depressing situation, and depression is a normal and appropriate response. To not experience depression after a loved one dies would be unusual. When a loss fully settles in your soul, the realization that your loved one didn’t get better this time and is not coming back is understandably depressing. If grief is a process of healing, then depression is one of the many necessary steps along the way.

I have suffered from depression and anxiety as long as I can remember. Most of it stems from a hurtful childhood. When something happens in your life to cause depression, you tend to also go back to that deep place the first time you felt depression as well. For me, depression was first felt when my parents split up and I was drug back and forth from parent to parent, place to place. I felt periods of depression when I realized that my mom chose drugs over me and really didn't want to be a mother at all. I suffered from depression in high school because I just couldn't deal with everyday life - and things happened to me that I just didn't think even happened in anything other than the movies. Depression has always been present and that complicates grief and hurt in my life every single time something happens to me. It sounds selfish, but I need to be selfish to heal sometimes - and you might too - and that is OKAY. It's okay to not be what society thinks is okay. You do not have a timeline that you have to "get over it." It can effect the rest of your life and that is OKAY - and that is something to feel okay about :)

Acceptance -
Acceptance is often confused with the notion of being “all right” or “OK” with what has happened. This is not the case. Most people don’t ever feel OK or all right about the loss of a loved one. This stage is about accepting the reality that our loved one is physically gone and recognizing that this new reality is the permanent reality.

My acceptance really came the first time I prayed to God again. I said "okay, I understand and I'm sorry I said I hated you." It sounded so much like what a five year old would say to their best friend, but then again God wants us to be his best friend. He wants to be our father and our healer - but he cannot do what you do not allow. I accepted the fact that for some plan bigger than my own, he took my child to Heaven. He decided for whatever reason that her life was not to be lived here and that my husband and I would not get to ever hold her or hear her cry. He chose a plan that meant my kids would not ever get to meet their little sister. His plan was bigger than mine - it was his plan - and life was going to go on. I remember laying in the bathroom floor a few days after I lost the baby, exactly where I was sitting as I stared into my husband's eyes and realized he had also seen his dead child's body. It was the exact place that I looked over at my daddy and said "my baby is gone, she's dead, she's gone."

I layed there and I remember wanting so bad to hear God speak - and then he did.. he said "I dare you to move."

What does that even mean? Move where?? Then I realized, he wanted me to move on. I was stuck in a really bad place and he wanted to see me get past it. He knew I was strong enough and he wanted to see me realize that. He loved me enough to give me the strength and the push and the love and the support to get through it - and live to tell about it as I am today.

We will never like this reality or make it OK, but eventually we accept it. We learn to live with it. It is the new norm with which we must learn to live. We must try to live now in a world where our loved one is missing. In resisting this new norm, at first many people want to maintain life as it was before a loved one died. In time, through bits and pieces of acceptance, however, we see that we cannot maintain the past intact. It has been forever changed and we must readjust. We must learn to reorganize roles, re-assign them to others or take them on ourselves.

I will never be the same. I have been forever changed by the loss of a child. Although it has brought more sorrow to my heart than I ever hope anyone has to feel, I have also survived it, I have learned from it, I have moved on. I still have bad days, but I am getting back to the old me. I catch myself smiling like I used to, giving my kids those tight hugs that for so long I avoided because they made me cry. I found out that writing is a passion of mine - and also that I miss singing. Sometimes when nobody else is here in the house but me, I will sing to my baby girl. I will imagine her sitting in my nana's lap looking down on me. I can honestly say that I am making her proud. I can honestly say that I am going to be okay - okay for me, not for anyone else, maybe not what society thinks is okay, but what is okay for me to move on, to be a good mom, wife, Christian - to love God always and put my family first... and just keep imagining the day I get to hold my baby in my arms.

Finding acceptance may be just having more good days than bad ones. As we begin to live again and enjoy our life, we often feel that in doing so, we are betraying our loved one. We can never replace what has been lost, but we can make new connections, new meaningful relationships, new inter-dependencies. Instead of denying our feelings, we listen to our needs; we move, we change, we grow, we evolve. We may start to reach out to others and become involved in their lives. We invest in our friendships and in our relationship with ourselves. We begin to live again, but we cannot do so until we have given grief its time.

I made a promise to myself that when this blog was done, I was going to walk away from it and live a better life. I was going to be raw and honest with the people around me and tell them my true feelings. I was going to make my baby proud to call me her mom. I struggled as to whether or not I would even post this blog, but after the outpour of people telling me my words helped them, I knew I had to do it. I'm glad I did it - i'm glad I have shared my stages of grief with my readers and can walk away knowing I helped someone through their grief too.

If you made it all the way through this post, please leave me a comment just to let me know you were here. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. God bless you all - and if you are pregnant and scared and reading this, God put you here for a reason. Please e-mail me so we can chat - I would LOVE to hear from you.

And to my husband, I love you with all my heart and soul. For every stage of grief, there you were. Maybe you are not as good with words as me, but I could feel you here when you were able. Don't give up on me - I am still here, just trying to find my new normal. Always and Forever baby, always and forever.

*I used the website to help me better explain the stages of grief in this blog. I was not intending to copyright anyone's work and was using these words to help others in the healing process. I give major respect to the owner and writer of this website who helps people better understand the stages of grief and where to get help if needed. For more information, please visit the website. If you would like more information about sex, pregnancy, or protection, I encourage you to visit also.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Days...

The best thing about blogging is going back and looking at how life was year by year.

I wanted to blog how I have spent my summer so far....

This picture above just tells a huge story. First, the faces are typical. My kids will do anything to make me laugh. They fill my heart with such joy! I cannot imagine life without them and I'm glad we got to share the whole summer together. Second, the shirts tell another story that fills my summer - WWE wrestling. As you can tell from all our pictures and previous posts, my kids are obsessed. Netflix has added over 100 videos from WWE archives so every Tuesday and Wednesday night we try to find a new one to watch - and every other day of the week live wrestling is on TV. I would do anything to see these smiling faces :)
Some of our best moments this summer have been in our new pool. When we bought this house in October 2010, the pool had already been winterized. We have never had a pool at our home and I had never ventured out with the boys to a pool - because I cannot swim. So, for us to have a pool in the backyard makes for alot of swim time for my kids. They have the most fun when their daddy is here to join them. Sometimes I will wait until he is almost off work and let them get in so that they can be pleasantly suprised when he jumps in after work! Blaze has been working on swimming without a life jacket and swimming underwater and Ace has been doing better about learning to swim without depending on his life jacket and opening his eyes underwater. I am so very proud of them - and I think our next house will have to have a pool!

According to this picture, we have done alot of hoarding this summer - ha! I have spent ALOT of time going through all of our stuff and trying to sell it or give it away. I didn't realize after two kids and eight years together, just how much stuff we had accumulated. There is not enough storage space in this home (a must for the next home) so my guest room/office has become a nightmare. Alot of the next few days this summer will be spent giving away more stuff and getting some of this stuff packed up for when we do get our house sold and move (post to come).

I have been doing ALOT of bargain shopping - mainly for interior design decor to giveaway or use in my own home. I am starting school for Interior Design and I find myself buying great deals everywhere I go. This could be another reason for the uber messy guest room :)

The picture above, I found at Hobby Lobby. It had a price tag of $259. It has my favorite bible verse and this picture does not give it justice at all. The best part is that I bought this picture for $29! It is huge and will work perfect in our master bedroom - that is if I can ever convince my husband to hang my pictures. Yes hubby, i'm talking about you on my blog again.

This has been an amazing, fun filled summer with a few bad days in between. I will not be one of these blog mom who says that everyday we do art, go to the park, eat home cooked meals, and have adventurous filled days. Some days we eat junk food, watch movies, and stay in our pajamas. Some days just getting out of bed is hard for me because of my depression, but these two faces above are my reason for living - and it gives me hope - and fills me with thankfulness that God thought enough to give me these two perfect, smart, funny, charming, amazing little boys. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the summer brings for the Jackson family! :)

Moving My Thoughts :)

I have had so many issues with people reading and having negative responses on my facebook page. I have deleted it and re-activated it time and time again because of issues of something I said or posted. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a speaker - and I will say anything that I feel when I feel it no matter whom it might effect. It does NOT mean that I am a mean person, it just means that I like to express my feelings. I am real and honest and my feelings are true and deep rooted.

With that being said, I do realize that some people feel I am a little too open with information that some people may not want to know. I like to post pictures of things I buy, random things I see, places me and the kids go, etc. Some people in my life KNOW that that is just who I am, but others see that as bragging or just purely useless. At first I had that "I don't care what people think" attitude, but as I have grown older I realize that some things are just better left unsaid. I have been having so many struggles lately with my relationship with God. All people go through stages of grief when the experience a loss, but my "mad at God" stage seemed to last a little longer than I had hoped. I had to step back and take a good hard look at my life and the way that I was living - and had to come to a real, raw conclusion that God may have had a huge plan for my life and needed my child as an angel - for a reason!

My dear friend Brittani has given me a life lesson that most people will never get. She just confronted me with the cold hard truth. At first, I was extremely mad when she asked "are you mad at God?" I thought in my head "YES!!, but it's none of your business" so then I asked her "are you worried about me?" I sat here in my room and thought about the question she had asked me and it took her awhile to respond - and in that time I felt that maybe at some point while she was talking to God, he had put me on her heart - Me, little ole me, who has completely given up on my relationship with God. So when she text me back "yes", all the emotions flowed - and it made me think... really hard for a really long time. It made me realize that my friendship with her is a little deeper than I thought - and that as a Christian, I still am accountable for my life no matter what i'm going through!

My decision to re-activate my Facebook page and allow anyone and everyone to be my friend was a result of me deciding to post my photos and stories here on my blog rather than on Facebook. Anyone can be my friend on Facebook, see a photo, or read a status - but they cannot see into my real life unless they are a part of this blog. This blog will be private soon and I will spend more time here giving details of my day, talking interior design with my friends, and sharing my struggles with depression, infertility, and life as mom and wife. If you want to read these things, then you are welcome here - and if not, then that's okay too.

This is who I am - the real, raw, honest, me and for that I won't apologize.

Over the next few days you will notice alot of posts simply with pictures from the past or a random story. This is just to help me get all the photos and memories from Facebook and share them here. Once all of this work is done, I will continue my normal posts like always, but they will be private. Do not forget to become a follower by clicking the FOLLOW ME link currently on the left hand side. Thank you to all who have supported us and I look forward to sharing my life with my blogger friends.

My Poor Closet

I love when I hear people say "you are the perfect housewife."

What they don't realize is that almost ALL people that I know that blog only blog things that happen good in their life, they leave out the ordinary, the dirty, the raw stuff.

It doesn't mean we are fake, it means we don't feel the need to share everything...

with that being said - for those of you who think my house is extra clean and tidy, just take a look at this BEFORE picture of my master closet -

That is NO LIE what it looked like when I started and has looked like that for months. I was so ashamed. I would love to say that I did this clean up all by myself, but my dear hubby was the one that said "no more!" and so it started... he did a little work and while he was at work the next day, I just HAD to finish the job and make him proud! So here's the after -
Can you believe this beautiful transformation? I took this picture pre-vacuuming so excuse
the nasty floor, but OMG you have no idea how great it feels. I have to mention that the brown
chair on the back wall was made by my grandfather and was something I didn't want my kids to ruin so I hid it in my closet - and I will be placing my stuffed animals there in the near future.

I love how everything has a place. I finally have a few shelves for my Coach collection and some of my favorite pairs of shoes. I also made room for some of the kids art supplies that I didn't want to end up at the bottom of their nasty closet - I guess that will be my next big job! ha!!

This is my husband's corner and I wanted to post this picture because of the little bear at the top.

When I had just had Ace, we bought this bear at a store for .20 that said "world's best dad." It was about all I could afford at the time and the fact that he held onto it just made me remember why he is my husband :)

I want to see some of YOUR transformations. I am really suprised that so many people say they read my blog but nobody ever leaves comments or jumps on the bandwagons like "five things I love" or "befores and afters". I would love to see some of you in the blogging world participate and make this a friend thing! So, I encourage all my readers to do a before and after post - just one - at some point this month and come here and leave a comment that you did so I can check it out! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Victoria Beckham gives me Hope :)

Victoria Beckham welcomed a baby GIRL to the world yesterday... her fourth child - all boys. I think it's funny when people ask me if I hope for a girl because I already have two boys. I'm sure she felt the same way and then I read an article where she said she would keep trying until she had a girl to dress up and share that experience with. My husband would KILL me if that ever came out of my mouth! ha!! I am very happy for her though - and I heard she named her Harper Seven so I'm sure Kelly over at will love that :)

and how cute is the picture above? she is so beyond beautiful - especially when pregnant!

Justice For Children (Warning: Graphic)

This is a video about a 5 month old girl named Brianna Lopez. I just heard about her story via Facebook and it captured my heart - not in a good way. She was raped by her uncle and grandfather then tortured by her mother. Her grandmother and other uncles knew about the abuse and kept the secret. All people listed got less than 5 years in prison. The shocking part was that they didn't want to have a funeral for her so the town got together and had her buried and decorated her plot. When the family found out, they put a CAGE over her burial ground. I wanted to share this story in hopes that it will open eyes and make people think - child abuse is real, it is still around, and nobody is immune. If you think you know someone who is abusing or has been abused, tell somebody!

This has also made me think about all of those who choose to have abortions and all the babies out there who never have the opportunity to live a life. It makes me think about how although little Brianna's body may be in a cage, she is in a deeper place in the arms of Jesus and her body is the only thing left there. It also made me think about the child that I lost and how important it is to keep her alive in my heart through my works for others. I do plan to share her photo today and I have photoshopped it but it is still very hard to show. Please respect our decision for showing and keep comments moderated. Please do not share the photo or the website with anyone else. Hold your babies tight tonight - life is precious and tomorrow is not promised.