They are my motivation for everything. My life has revolved around these two since the day they were born. Thank you God for giving me such wonderful blessings.
So, this post is going to be filling in everyone on our infertility journey. We have been trying to get pregnant off and on for about two years. We have been trying with fertility strategies for the last 7 months and we thought for sure we would be pregnant by now. I got pregnant as a teen with Blaze, completely an accident - but a blessing, and Ace was not planned, but very easy to get! After almost eight years of marriage, a new house, and two boys finally out of diapers and in school, our house and hearts are really aching for a new little bundle of joy. I would really appreciate if all my readers prayed for our family today and in the coming weeks as we seek a doctor for our other fertility options. I have endometriosis and there is always a chance that me not getting pregnant is because of a larger problem - which we pray is not the case.
Those of you who want to go that extra step can just leave me some words of encouragement or a simple "I'm praying for you" in the comments section. Thank you and God bless all my readers!