Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years 2012

Happy New Year!!! We had a very low key night just with our family. Originally, we had planned on having some friends over, but there was another party for our co-workers that we didn't know about until last minute so we decided just to stay home.
I tried to get creative for the boys so they would have fun - so we made cotton candy volcanoes! They are simply cotton candy in a cup with a blower and sprinkles, but the boys loved them!

I made some homemade dips and they were sooooo good! We couldn't stop eating all night!

I have decided to do the 365 day challenge offered from Kelly Montana. It is to blog every single day in 2012. I wanted to do this last year, but I am committed to this. I love to go back and read my posts from months ago and see how much life has changed - our how Gods plans were different than our own (as you can see ALOT in this blog!). My original plan was to have an all new blogspot and post one time everyday in 2012 and just link that blog to this blog, but I have limited time to blog these days so here we are :)

I encourage all of your bloggy friends to join us in this challenge :) and a few of you I just need to start blogging! Especially you, Brittany Dale!